
FFM15: God Song

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NamelessShe's avatar

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From the look on the cleric’s face, the siren’s song was divine. Jen couldn’t imagine another reason parishioners would sit still and allow their slaughter otherwise. They came in from the streets and simply waited to die. If you were unlucky enough to hear her unshielded, you didn’t stand a chance.

“God can always be found in beautiful music.”

There was no interpreter, and Jen had never been very adept at reading lips, but she managed to follow him. She almost wished she hadn’t.

The siren paused turning just enough to almost see them. Jen unsheathed Marrow and Spine and tried to map her  patterns, identify her blind spots. The dead numbered in the dozens already, and he wanted to look for God in a demon’s song?

“I wouldn’t know,” she said. She waited for the inevitable sour face most hearing people made when she spoke to them. She knew she didn’t form the words perfectly enough. She didn’t need to be reminded.

He smiled and it seemed…genuine?

“God is found in all things,” the cleric said, “You hear him in ways others can not.”

He slammed his staff once on the ground, the crystal lighting up. The siren turned, noticing them at last. Jen felt the first fingers of fear. The cleric’s divine aura was no comfort while the creature was staring at her. If Jen was being honest, she’d admit the thought of a god, any God, gave her little comfort to begin with.

She did approve of the way divine energy lit up Marrow and Spine---she could almost swear she felt them pulse with anticipation. It was exhilarating. She shifted her stance, sinking low to catch the siren under the rib cage. Maybe now wasn’t the best time to admit she wasn’t the church going type.
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dragoeniex's avatar
I'll go along with the others and say having a deaf protagonist here was a good choice. It's intriguing to think about how that detail plays into her adventures, and how she can make use of it sometimes. She's got a nice dynamic with the cool cleric dude too.